Treat or Threat

THREAT AND TREAT…..seemingly the only difference is an H, but wait, theres more…..

Often times when working with clients struggling with eating disorders, foods become identified as “fear foods.” This label speaks to the fear these foods evoke. The brain actually perceives these foods to be a threat.  Likewise, in individuals who are “dieting” or restraining/restricting their intake, foods cause PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS.

Our bodies CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A REAL THREAT (ex: someone attacking you) and an “imaginary” threat generated by thoughts and feelings (aka worrying about your weight or food).

Therefore a food intended to be a treat can easily turn into a threat. The take away message is that food WILL NOT HARM YOU (**unless you are allergic to it…thats a real thing). STRESSING about that treat WILL HARM YOU.

Eat the treat.

With full permission.


Janelle LenhoffComment