“What’s my Healthy Weight?”

Healthy weight.

Ideal weight.

Goal weight.

All of these terms are synonymous with “tell me an external number that my body needs to reach.”

Well I’ll tell you.

It cannot be found on a BMI chart. It cannot be found on an online calculator. It cannot be determined by a doctor, nutritionist, or psychologist/therapist (perhaps a controversial opinion but I STAND BY IT).

It can however be found by:

-nourishing your body with sufficient, satisfying foods (and different kinds and amounts each day!)

-getting adequate, restful sleep

-moving for pleasure and joy

-establishing effective ways to manage your stress

-engaging in meaningful, fulfilling relationships

-setting healthy boundaries with others so you’re able to say “yes” and “no” based on your needs

-being able to effectively express and cope with emotions

-taking care of your mental health

-making time for self care

Focus on HOW you live. Don’t Weight.

Janelle LenhoffComment