Sugar is not Demon

While there may be demons about this Halloween season, sugar is NOT one of them

Unfortunately, sugar has been demonized. Do not mistake this diet culture trend as science (see links below)

Sugar is an ingredient; one component of many foods. Often people refer to foods WITH sugar as “sugar”. What may seem semantic is actually a HUGE problem as it discounts that we eat sugar in combination with many other nutrients. Research that demonizes sugar does not account for this. It rather involves granular sugar or sugar water which is not how humans ingest sugar. Sugar is intended to add pleasure and yumminess to foods. The scare tactics and fear mongering surrounding sugar is far more concerning than sugar will ever be

There naturally are conditions such as diabetes that result in sugar impacting ones body differently. This still does not mean foods with sugar are forbidden. And ps-there is ZERO validity to sugar causing diabetes. Total eye roll and fear tactic.

When sugar is demonized it becomes ‘forbidden’ and ‘off limits’. This completely changes how one INTERACTS with sweet foods. We see an increased likelihood of eating large quantities of sweet foods when available due to the THREAT of future deprivation. When we know we can eat sweet, delicious foods whenever we want, we don’t feel ‘crazy and out of control’ with that food. The solution is allowing not forbidding. 

I challenge you to stop calling foods “sugar” and rather to call them by their name (ex: donuts, candy, cookies, etc). Foods have sugar in them, they are not sugar. 

Foods with sugar are a completely appropriate, yummy, fun addition to LIFE. I mean who doesn’t need more sweetness in their life (looking at you 2020)

Janelle LenhoffComment